Abstracted Landscapes
In the words of the architect Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe, "Less Is More". Photography is essentially a subtractive process. Faced with a scene, the photographer has to decide what to leave out, or de-emphasise, in order to create the narrative or artistic expression. Abstracting by removing all sense of reality is the ultimate act of subtraction. What are we left with? Simply colour, space and form.

Land and Water
Photographs of the land have perhaps the greatest potential to fall flat, or to become mere "record shots" if care isn't taken. Consideration of light, and of the way time impacts on moving water and clouds, can make a profound difference to the way a landscape is rendered in a photograph. Patience is often, but not always, rewarded!

What is a Nightscape? For me, it's a landscape photograph in which the night sky forms an important part. The Moon, often the enemy of night sky photographers, becomes an important tool, casting an unearthly light onto the primeval landscapes of the Far North.

The Sea
The sea is a constant presence in my part of Scotland, from the pounding surf of the Atlantic Ocean on the north and west coasts, to the haunting firths and estuaries further east.

The Milky Way
In our increasingly urban society, many people have never seen the Milky Way. Here we are so lucky to just look up on a clear night and see the wonderful ribbon of light arcing across the sky. Light pollution, while it exists, is minimal and the clear, pollution-free air lets the twinkle of the stars shine through.

Scotland's Aurora
At Latitude 58° North, the Northern Lights put in a regular appearance. If you're lucky, once in a while, they will dance for you!